coast of orange county, relaxation in rehab

Privacy Policy

The Practice Notice of Privacy Practices

Effective Date: October 6, 2023

Please read carefully before using this Website

Your privacy on the Internet is important to us. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to let you know what information we collect through this Website, how we collect, use and share that information, and how you may view, correct or change the information if you should desire to do so.

Scope of this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies only to information collected on or through the websites owned and operated by The Practice. Any specific Website, including all subordinate web pages, owned and operated by The Practice is referred to as a “Site” or “Website.” The Practice may engage third parties such as a hosting service to assist in the operation of any Website including the Website through which you linked to view this Privacy Policy. As used in this Privacy Policy, the terms “we,” “us” and “our” refer to The Practice .

The information practices of other sites operated or maintained by The Practice or by any third party are not covered by this Privacy Policy. By your use of the Website, “You” (the person using this Website on behalf of yourself, as well as on behalf of any other person or entity on whose behalf of for whose benefit you are using the Website) agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, including any changes to the Privacy Policy. If any portion of this Privacy Policy is unacceptable to you, do not use the Website. Use of the Website constitutes acceptance of this Privacy Policy.

Your use of this Website is also governed by our Website Terms of Use


Privacy Practices Notice – Health Information

Certain protected health information that may be provided by You is protected as described in The Practice’s Privacy Practices Notice. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Privacy Policy and the terms of the Privacy Practices Notice, the terms of the Privacy Practices Notice shall control.


Information Collected

The type of information collected on this Website will depend upon the features and functionalities available on this Website, which may be revised from time to time. For example, if this Website is currently operated as a “read-only” Website, we may not collect any personal information about you through the Website and will not learn who you are. On the other hand, if this Website permits you to “register,” “create an account,” make purchases, or take similar actions, we will collect information from you that can be used to specifically identify you as an individual (such as your name, telephone number, postal address, email address, and payment information, collectively “Personal Data”). This Website also automatically collects aggregated information that is not linked to any specific individual such as information about traffic patterns on the Website, or the number of times a specific page was viewed in a particular month. We may use and share aggregate, de-identified, and anonymous data without restriction as it does not identify you or any other individual user.

Personal Data, Use and Sharing

If this Website permits you to register, create an account, make purchases, or take similar actions, and if you choose to take such actions, then we will ask you to provide us with certain Personal Data about yourself. It is always your choice whether you wish to provide Personal Data through this Website, but if you do not provide requested Personal Data you may not be able to use all the features or functionalities of this Website.

Personal Data may be combined with other information we receive through other methods, such as from you in-person if you visit one of our facilities. Personal Data will not be sold or given to third parties for marketing purposes except in the limited cases described elsewhere in this Privacy Policy (for example we may transfer Personal Data to a successor organization). We reserve the right to share your Personal Data with third parties if we determine, in our sole discretion, that such action is necessary to comply with legal requirements or with legal process served upon us, or to protect the safety of you, members of the public, other users of this Website, or any other person, or to protect The Practice’s rights. We also may use and/or share Personal Data with third parties that help us operate our business, for example we may provide your email address to an email vendor that helps us send large volumes of email, and if you make a purchase we may share your Personal Data with third parties as necessary to process your order and receive payment. We may share Personal Data with The Practice’s affiliate and subsidiary entities. The Practice may transfer Personal Data to a successor entity such as in the case of a sale of our business, a particular business division, merger, spin-off, sale of substantially all assets, or a similar transaction. The Practice may use Personal Data to provide requested services to you and to provide you with additional information we believe you may find interesting or useful. Depending upon the features of this Website, we may use Personal Data to track your activities / progress on and through this Website, as well as purchases made through this site or other transaction history. We may contact you through any and all contact methods (e.g., cell phone, fax, email, etc.) you provide us through this Website.

Reviewing and Changing Personal Data

The Website, now or in the future, may provide the ability for you to view, in-activate and or update the Personal Data you have submitted. If such functionality is available, on a specific Website, click on the link or page to “sign in,” view your “account,” or similar link or heading. Note, due to the nature of third party hardware, software and other third party tools, even when information is corrected or de-activated, an archive or other copy may remain.

Use of Cookies

The Website does use cookies in a limited manner. A cookie is a small data file that most major Websites write to your hard drive for record-keeping purposes when you visit them. Cookies allow Website managers to measure activity on the site and to improve your user experience, for example, by remembering your passwords and viewing preferences, thus allowing you to visit various registered access parts of the site without re-registering.
These cookies are not created or used to collect any information (aggregate or personal) about you at any time. You may occasionally get cookies from other sites, which is standard in the Internet industry. The Practice does not control these cookies, and these cookies are not subject to this Privacy Policy.
You do not have to accept cookies to use our Website, however, you may not be able to use certain features or access certain areas if you do not accept cookies. Although most browsers are initially set to accept cookies, you may reset your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie or to reject cookies generally.

Uses and Disclosures of PHI for Treatment, Payment and Health Care Operations

Treatment. Your PHI may be used and disclosed by your physician, counselor, program staff and others outside of our program that are involved in your care for the purpose of providing, coordinating, or managing your health care treatment and any related services. This includes coordination or management of your health care with a third party, consultation with other health care providers or referral to another provider for health care treatment. For example, your protected health information may be provided to the state agency that referred you to our program to ensure that you are participating in treatment. In addition, we may disclose your protected health information from time-to-time to another physician or health care provider (e.g. a specialist or laboratory) who, at the request of the program, becomes involved in your care.

Payment. We will not use your PHI to obtain payment for your health care services without your written authorization. Examples of payment-related activities are: making a determination of eligibility or coverage for insurance benefits, processing claims with your insurance company, reviewing services provided to you to determine medical necessity, or undertaking utilization review activities.

Healthcare Operations. We may use or disclose, as needed, your PHI in order to support the business activities of our program including, but not limited to, quality assessment activities, employee review activities, training of students, licensing, and conducting or arranging for other business activities. For example, we may use a sign-in sheet at the registration desk where you will be asked to sign your name and indicate your physician or counselor. We may also call you by name in the waiting room when it is time to be seen. We may share your PHI with third parties that perform various business activities (e.g. billing or typing services), provided we have a written contract with the business that prohibits it from re-disclosing your PHI and requires it to safeguard the privacy of your PHI.

Rights Regarding Your Protected Health Information

  • Your rights with respect to your protected health information are explained below. Any request with respect these rights must be in writing. A brief description of how you may exercise these rights is included.
  • You have the right to inspect and copy your Protected Health Information
  • You may inspect and obtain a copy of your PHI that is contained in a designated record set for as long as we maintain the record. A “designated record set” contains medical and billing records and any other records that the program uses for making decisions about you.
  • Your request must be in writing. We may charge you a reasonable cost-based fee for the copies. We can deny you access to your PHI in certain circumstances. In some of those cases, you will have a right to appeal the denial of access. Please contact our Chief Strategy Officer if you have questions about access to your medical record.
  • You may have the right to amend your Protected Health Information.
  • You may request, in writing, that we amend your PHI that has been included in a designated record. In certain cases, we may deny your request for an amendment. If we deny your request for amendment, you have the right to file a statement of disagreement with us. We may prepare a rebuttal to your statement and will provide you with a copy of it. Please contact The Practice if you have questions about amending your medical records.
  • You have the right to receive an accounting of some types of Protected Health Information disclosures.
  • You may request an accounting of disclosures for a period of up to six years, excluding disclosures made to you, made for treatment purposes or made as a result of your authorization. We may charge you a reasonable fee if you request more than one accounting in any 12 month period. Please contact our Chief Strategy Officer if you have questions about accounting of disclosures.
  • You have the right to receive a paper copy of this notice.
  • You have the right to obtain a copy of this notice from us. Any questions should be directed to our Strategy Officer.
  • You have the right to request added restrictions on disclosures and uses of your Protected Health Information.
  • You have the right to ask us not to use or disclose any part of your PHI for treatment, payment or healthcare operations or to family members involved in your care. Your request for restrictions must be in writing and we are not required to agree to such restrictions. Please contact The Practice if you would like to request restrictions on the disclosure of your PHI.


Public Forums

This Website, now or in the future, may include public forums such as message boards, bulletin boards, chat rooms, or similar activities through which users of the Website can communicate with one another. THIS PRIVACY POLICY DOES NOT PROTECT YOU WHEN YOU USE PUBLIC FORUMS OR PROVIDE INFORMATION (INCLUDING PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION) ABOUT YOURSELF. You should be aware that any information shared in a public forum such as a message board, bulletin board, chat room, or other forum is public information and may be seen by third parties that do not adhere to our Privacy Policy. You should think carefully before disclosing any information in any public forum, including the forums on our Website.


Social Media and Third Party Platforms

Certain sections or functionalities on this Website may permit you to choose to cross-post or share information on a third party social media site or platform such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, or other similar sites (collectively, “Social Media Sites”). The Practice does not own or control such Social Media Sites, and posting your information on Social Media Sites is subject to the third party’s privacy policy and other legal terms, which may or may not provide privacy protections with which you agree. The Practice is not responsible for any act or omission of any Social Media Site, nor are we responsible for the consequences of your choosing to share your information on Social Media Sites.


The Website has security measures in place designed to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. However, data transmission over the Internet or wireless networks cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure. Although we are committed to safeguarding your privacy and security, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. The Practice is not responsible or liable for the illegal acts (such as hacking) of third parties.

Links to Other Websites

This Website may contain links to other Websites and those sites may not follow the same privacy policies as The Practice. These sites may send their own cookies to you, and may collect and use data in ways that The Practice would not. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of third party Websites. We encourage you to be aware of this when you leave our Website and to read the privacy policies of every Website that collects personally identifiable information from you. The Privacy Policy applies only to this Website.

Children’s Privacy

We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. The interactive features of our Website are not designed for or directed to children under the age of 17. The Practice shall not be liable for any unauthorized use of the Website by minors. Please contact us if you believe a child under the age of 13 has provided Personal Data to this Website without parental consent.

Use of Website

Your access to and use of the Website are subject to certain terms and conditions, which are contained in our Terms of Use.

Contacting this Website

If you want to review or revise the personal information you provided during registration on the Website, sign in to your account to update any information. Or, if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this Website, or your dealings with this Website, you can contact us at


Legal Duties

Your health record contains personal information about you and your health. State and federal law protects the confidentiality of this information. “Protected health information” is information about you, including demographic information, that may identify you and that relates to your past, present, or future physical or mental health condition and related health care services. The confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records is specifically protected by Federal law and regulations. The Practice is required to comply with these additional restrictions. This includes a prohibition, with very few exceptions, on informing anyone outside the program that you attend the program or disclosing any information that identifies you as an alcohol or drug abuser. The violation of Federal laws or regulations by this program is a crime. If you suspect a violation you may file a report to the appropriate authorities in accordance with Federal regulations.

For further information about The Practice’s privacy policies contact Shahan Suzmeyan, Chief Strategy Officer at (213) 925-6442 with any questions.