physician work burnout

How to Heal From Burnout

Job burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands. Eventually, you begin to lose the drive and desire that led you to pursue your career goals in the first place. The stakes are even higher for health professionals in high-pressure environments.

Burnout Symptoms

Burnout reduces productivity and saps your energy, leaving you increasingly helpless, hopeless, cynical, and resentful. At this point, you may feel like you have nothing more to give. Burnout’s adverse effects seep into every area – including your home, work, and social life. It can also cause long-term physical changes, like weakening your immune system.

You should address burnout immediately to avoid consequences like these.

  • Forgetfulness and impaired concentration
  • Loss of pride or ambition in your career
  • Difficulty maintaining relationships and being present with loved ones
  • Increased irritability with colleagues
  • Physical symptoms such as unexplained muscle tension, pain, fatigue, and insomnia
  • Relying on alcohol or drugs to cope with stress

Burnout Recovery Time

Healing from burnout requires the “three-R” approach – Recognize, Reverse, and Resilience.

1. Recognize: Watch for the Warning Signs

Recognition involves identifying the symptoms and accepting that you are not merely tired – you are living with work burnout syndrome.

2. Reverse: Undo the Damage by Seeking Support and Managing Stress

Reversing burnout requires having an honest discussion with your supervisor about your workload, finding ways to delegate what you can, and possibly even taking some time off to mentally and physically recharge. Self-care is crucial – get restful sleep, eat balanced meals, and do hobbies you enjoy.

Practical steps to manage your workload include:

  • Prioritize your responsibilities and set realistic deadlines.
  • Learn when and how to say no.
  • Set firm boundaries between work and home life.

3. Resilience: Build Your Stress Tolerance

Becoming more emotionally resilient involves changing your work habits and strategies to help you regain a sense of control at your job. Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and stress management exercises can be a healthy release valve. Additionally, you can surround yourself with supportive friends, colleagues, and family members to uplift you and prevent you from feeling isolated.

Burnout Syndrome Treatment

Consider these ongoing strategies to prevent future burnout episodes:

  • Exercise regularly.
  • Spend time outdoors for a natural mood boost.
  • Keep a daily journal to process your thoughts and emotions.
  • Pursue hobbies and interests outside work – don’t let your job become your identity.
  • Check in with a mental health professional.

At The Practice, we provide a haven where physicians can take a break from their high-pressure careers to focus on recovering from substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health challenges like depression and work burnout. We understand the unique challenges you face and offer a supportive environment where you can begin to heal, surrounded by a small cohort of your peers. We have designed every aspect of our space to restore your health and renew your professional passion.

Burnout does not go away on its own, and it is OK to ask for help. Remember, you cannot take good care of others when you neglect your need for self-care. Contact us today to learn how we can be your partner in healing.